Meet Infinity©: EPRs own smart platform
Last Friday there was a new release of EPRs own Infinity©: a link was made with Exact and Powerpick. Because of this link all changes made in one of these systems will be automatically synchronised with one and other.
With Infinity© a dream comes true for inventor Mark, application developer at EPR: one, smart application for the whole organisation. When Mark became responsible for the planning-part at EPR he noticed that the existing ERP system was inadequate. There were too many applications used parallelly and external parties couldn’t provide software that would match EPRs processes. Meanwhile Mark was thinking of a different solution, namely: an all-in-one solution. ‘I wanted to bring all the different applications together in one organization- and user-friendly application.’
One and a half year ago Mark wrote a demo. A demo which is now rapidly growing into the platform Mark had in mind. Together with his colleague Joost, also application developer at EPR, Mark makes sure that Infinity© keeps on growing.
Infinity© is already being used by our production department and will soon be used by all of our departments. Our employees work on tablets. On these tablets they can see the planning, they can indicate which order they are working on, and they can immediately give feedback to, for example, the preparation engineer when there are improvements possible to the product documentation. In addition to the tablets, we’ve installed many screens at various places to directly transfer the information of EPR Infinity© to the employees. Like our building, with all of his glass, our processes are transparent as well now, thanks to Infinity©. Through Infinity© everyone is constantly connected to one another. Due to this constant connection we are able to deliver high quality products at high pace in our own Smart Factory.
As the name already suggests the possibilities within the platform are infinite. Right now Mark and Joost are constantly focussing on improving and expanding the system. One of the next steps is the introduction of Infinity© to our customers. Soon it will be possible for customers to log in to Infinity© and follow their products closely, from scratch to finish.
We are ready to create your future. Are you?